General Advice

Are Semi Truck Batteries Deep Cycle? Unveiling the Truth!

When powering semi-trucks, the kind of battery we choose plays a significant role in performance and reliability. Most semi-truck batteries are not deep-cycle batteries. Deep-cycle batteries are designed to discharge most of their capacity and are commonly used in applications where long, consistent power delivery is crucial. In contrast, semi-trucks generally use starter batteries that […]

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What Semi-Truck Has The Most Torque? (Discover the Top Picks)

When we think about the power and capability of semi-trucks, torque is a key player. It’s the force that gives these mighty machines their pulling power. For trucking enthusiasts and those in the industry, understanding which semi-truck boasts the most torque is crucial. The VNL 860, with its Cummins X15 engine, offers between 1,450 to

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How Do Semi Truck Differentials Work? A Simple Explanation

Have you ever wondered what makes those massive semi-trucks glide smoothly around tight corners without a hitch? Well, it all boils down to a clever piece of engineering called the differential. Semi truck differentials are essential because they allow the wheels to rotate at different speeds, especially while turning. This helps prevent tire wear and

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How Fast Is A Semi Truck Without A Trailer? (9 Speedy Facts)

Semi-trucks are often used to transport cargo. Many people believe that their size naturally makes them slow vehicles. However, this is not necessarily the case. Thanks to their powerful engines, semi-trucks are capable of reaching the same speeds as your average car. If you’re interested in how fast a semi-truck really is, we are going

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