
Do Semi Trucks Transmissions Have Synchros? (11 Cool Facts)

Synchronized transmissions are commonly found in cars. They came about as early as 1928. However, they weren’t found in every car until much later. A synchro is built into the transmission to help match the engine speed to the speed required for the next gear. This makes gear changes much easier, smoother, and faster. Without

Do Semi Trucks Transmissions Have Synchros? (11 Cool Facts) Read More »

What Semi Truck Is The Most Reliable? (Know Before Buying)

Reliability in a semi truck is very important, not only for your own protection, but for the well-being of people on the road and the efficiency of the vehicle. Many models have been improved to meet new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) specifications and have by default gained more miles per gallon.  Here’s a quick answer

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